My Tack Swap

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About Us

How does it work?


We answer a few questions below to help understand our platform.

How did it all begin?

This idea has been in my head for a long time. I remember going to local firehalls and indoor arenas with my wife. Everyone would load up folding tables with their treasures that were no longer needed. You would spend a good portion of the day loading everything up, sitting there at the sale and then taking home what didn't sell. Only to have it remain in a box until the next swap. I thought to myself there has to be a better way.

What is your mission?

We want to be able to connect buyers and sellers by using an online marketplace that is dedicated to horse tack. The platform is intended to be clean, secure and easy to navigate.

Who is your audience?

Our audience is targeted towards all horse enthusiasts.

Our Team

This Bio is a work in progress...

Mike and Ashley

Mike and Ashley

Co-Founder & CEO